Cheeky Sunday morning run

It seems friends and I have a little competition going by way of the awesome Nike+ app. Now I say awesome, however in reality it is the bain of my life given I am so competitive! As soon as they get a km or two ahead of me I have to get my backside into gear and try beating them.

This all started at the Manchester 10km when “The Traveller”, Shona, Pauline and I all started to push our way through the run. Pauline won by a mile with her time and so the challenge begins. I will get a sub 60 minute 10km by the end of the year

Today’s run was a quick 4km run in a not too poor time of 23 minutes, the sun was beating down on me like an oyster catcher cracking open its food! The heat made it tougher despite the early start. Here’s to tomorrow being a bit easier. Any running tips gratefully received ;0)

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